Welcome to my web site. I have a passion for education, psychology, metaphysics, and nutritious foods. I had an nutrition awakening eleven years ago before the arrival of my daughter. Realizing what I put in my mouth would manifest in my body and health. I switched to whole grain and organic foods whenever possible. I removed all preservatives, food coloring, and additives in my pantry because these have been linked to ADHD and many other health problems according to Dr. Finegold’s website. I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl without any drug.

I love cooking whole some foods. Great foods must contain all these criteria: nutritious, tasty, wholesome, and beautiful. Cooking is one part of art, one part love and one part math. In the word of Hippocrates, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine and be thy food.” I am in the zone when I am cooking.   I believe we are what we eat, think, feel and express.  I favor whole-grains and wholesome foods.  Personally, cooking is a form of art and science because it requires timing as well as presentation.


Just when I thought my struggle was over,  I am now awakened on a spiritual journey.  I now enjoy learning more about the metaphysical side since I lost two dear people in my life. I am searching to understand the meaning of life and my purpose on earth.


I have a BS degree in Computer Information Systems and Certificate in Web design. I enjoy taking nature walks, watching sunrise and sunset by a beach.  Most of all, I love seeing beautiful rainbows and hummingbirds.   I love listening to classical and inspiring music, reading personal development,  metaphysics, and holistic nutrition books.  Best of all, I also love traveling and enjoying great wholesome foods.

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